Extended 12-bp NF-kB data set file format

This is an extended 12-bp NF-kB data set, described in Siggers & Chang (2011) Nat. Immunol, in which 12-bp kB sites
were predicted from 10-bp kB site PBM data using a regression model (see Supplementary Methods).

The file is Tab-delimited, text file. Data for each PBM experiment is in a single column. All 16 N-(kB)-N variants
for the 10-bp kB sites in our PBM data set are included.

Column titles indicate the PBM experiment (e.g. crel_p50_m is c-Rel:p50 (mouse) heterodimer experiment)

Col 1-2 : 12-bp site sequence and reverse complement sequence

Col 3+ : Predicted Z-scores for each experiment