Leu3-primary_8mers_1.1111111_lteq600sum0.35thrbgdsub.txt_200 Significant Conditions: condindex ind/rep TFexpr area activator/repressor 4. Cell Cycle: Expression in response to Clb2p (set 2, 30 min)(1) 5 induced -0.58 0.112223208 -0.06508946 -0.0251207917408313 5. Expression during the cell cycle (alpha factor arrest and release)(3) 8 induced -0.14 0.107076643 -0.01499073 5. Expression during the cell cycle (alpha factor arrest and release)(16) 21 repressed -0.05 0.103213219 0.005160661 6. Expression during the cell cycle (cdc15 arrest and release)(2) 25 repressed 0.21 0.096285474 -0.02021995 7. Expression during the cell Cycle (cdc28)(7) 54 repressed 0.08 0.095828977 -0.007666318 7. Expression during the cell Cycle (cdc28)(10) 57 induced 0.19 0.122653099 0.023304089 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(2) 66 induced 0.06 0.100545183 0.006032711 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(5) 69 repressed 0.48 0.122290422 -0.058699403 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(9) 73 induced -0.26 0.111656553 -0.029030704 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(11) 75 repressed 0.08 0.106877801 -0.008550224 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(12) 76 induced -0.34 0.118119866 -0.040160754 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(13) 77 induced -0.3 0.121785848 -0.036535754 8. Expression during the cell cycle (cell size selection and release)(14) 78 induced -0.17 0.117849141 -0.020034354 9. Sporulation: time course: t0,t0.5,t2,t5,t7,t9,t11.5(2) 80 induced -0.731 0.130891057 -0.095681362 10. Sporulation: Ectopic expression of Ndt80; deletion of Ndt80: early, mid,(3) 88 repressed -0.465 0.100049944 0.046523224 11. Expression during diauxic shift: 9h,11h,13h,15h,17h,19h,21h(5) 93 induced -0.358 0.103934839 -0.037208673 11. Expression during diauxic shift: 9h,11h,13h,15h,17h,19h,21h(6) 94 induced -1.059 0.101643017 -0.107639955 11. Expression during diauxic shift: 9h,11h,13h,15h,17h,19h,21h(7) 95 induced -0.556 0.142921023 -0.079464089 12. Expression in tup1-deleted cells(1) 96 induced -0.234 0.163237957 -0.038197682 13. Expression in cells overexpressing Yap1p(1) 97 induced -0.761 0.103942774 -0.079100451 14. Galactose-induced expression in med2-deleted cells(1) 98 repressed 0.304 0.102137323 -0.031049746 15. evolved strain 1 versus evolved strain 1(1) 99 repressed -0.32 0.099892644 0.031965646 18. parental strain versus evolved strain 3(1) 102 bimodal -0.06 0.13142317 -0.00788539 23. Fink: Expression in diploid tec1/tec1 deletion mutant(1) 107 repressed 0 0.114330657 0 25. Fink: Expression in diploid ste7/ste7 deletion mutant(1) 109 repressed 0 0.114902446 0 26. Fink: Expression in diploid high copy TEC1(1) 110 repressed 0 0.133367718 0 27. Young: Expression in rpb1 mutant(1) 111 repressed -0.023 0.098339246 0.002261803 30. Young: Expression in med6 mutant(1) 114 repressed 0 0.096492718 0 31. Young: Expression in srb10 mutant(1) 115 induced 0 0.130684279 0 32. Young: Expression in swi2 mutant(1) 116 bimodal 0 0.119669063 0 33. Young: Expression in taf145 mutant(1) 117 induced 0 0.138567494 0 36. Young: Expression in kin28 mutant(1) 120 repressed 0 0.103444268 0 Young: Expression during histone H4 depletion: 0h,0.5h,1h,1.5h,2h,4h,6h(3) 124 induced 0 0.106315347 0 Young: Expression during histone H4 depletion: 0h,0.5h,1h,1.5h,2h,4h,6h(4) 125 induced 0.986 0.117417382 0.115773539 Young: Expression during histone H4 depletion: 0h,0.5h,1h,1.5h,2h,4h,6h(7) 128 induced 0.856 0.107279686 0.091831412 42. Young: Expression in rap1 deletion mutant(1) 132 induced 1.098 0.100750093 0.110623603 43. Young: Expression in fcp1 deletion mutant(1) 133 repressed 0 0.114375 0 45. Expression in snf2 mutant cells in minimal medium(1) 135 induced 0.039 0.09979509 0.003892008 47. Expression in swi1 mutant cells in minimal medium(1) 137 repressed 0 0.12275112 0 51. Expression in response to 50 nM alpha-factor in kss1 deletion mutant 30 min(1) 156 repressed 0.101 0.098359783 -0.009934338 56. Expression in response to overproduction of Ste12p(1) 161 repressed 0.219 0.142726382 -0.031257078 57. Expression in response to alpha-factor in far1 deletion mutant cells(1) 162 repressed 0.016 0.100771565 -0.001612345 59. Expression in sst2 deletion mutant cells(1) 164 induced -0.032 0.100277259 -0.003208872 60. Expression in response to alpha-factor in ste20 deletion mutant cells(1) 165 repressed 0.007 0.106859597 -0.000748017 65. Expression in ste4 deletion mutant cells(1) 170 induced -0.07 0.095928865 -0.006715021 71. Expression in bni1 deletion mutant cells(1) 176 induced -0.005 0.095295463 -0.000476477 72. Expression in response to overproduction of activated Bni1p(1) 177 induced 0.022 0.09762276 0.002147701 73. Expression in response to overproduction of activated Pkc1p(1) 178 induced -0.093 0.110914395 -0.010315039 76. Expression in tec1 deletion mutant cells treated with alpha-factor compared to wild-type cells treated with alpha-factor: 30,120 min(2) 182 repressed 0.004 0.097995239 -0.000391981 79. Expression in fus3 deletion mutant cells(1) 185 induced 0.085 0.129371266 0.010996558 80. Expression in fus3 tec1 double deletion mutant cells(1) 186 repressed 0.024 0.131313013 -0.003151512 83. Expression in response to alpha-factor in fus3 tec1 double deletion mutant cells(1) 189 repressed 0.124 0.13342233 -0.016544369 84. Expression in rst1 rst2 tec1 triple deletion mutant cells(1) 190 induced 0.063 0.13245379 0.008344589 99. Church: mating type a glucose 30 C vs. mating type a glactose 30 C FOLLOWED BY 30 C HEAT SHOCK(1) 205 induced 0 0.110234317 0 100. Young: Expression in spt20 deletion mutant(1) 206 repressed 0 0.098799944 0 104. Young: Expression in taf61 deletion mutant(1) 210 induced 0 0.103370519 0 Heat shock unpublished data. From Eisen article: heat:0,10,20,40,80,160; dtt:15,30,60,120; cold:0,20,40,160(2) 214 induced -1.18 0.120294063 -0.141946994 111. Rosetta 2000: Expression in aep2 deletion mutant (1) 230 induced 0.023 0.125144231 0.002878317 112. Rosetta 2000: Expression in afg3 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 231 induced 0.02 0.126933813 0.002538676 114. Rosetta 2000: Expression in anp1 deletion mutant (1) 233 induced 0.196 0.10048357 0.01969478 123. Rosetta 2000: Expression in bim1 (**15) deletion mutant (1) 242 induced 0.027 0.105714619 0.002854295 127. Rosetta 2000: Expression in bub3 (**2,8,13) deletion mutant (1) 246 induced -0.14 0.105503641 -0.01477051 129. Rosetta 2000: Expression in bul1 deletion mutant (1) 248 induced -0.239 0.102703977 -0.02454625 132. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cem1 deletion mutant (1) 251 induced -0.203 0.12706264 -0.025793716 134. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cka2 deletion mutant (1) 253 induced 0.017 0.09774972 0.001661745 135. Rosetta 2000: Expression in ckb2 deletion mutant (1) 254 induced -0.13 0.123305172 -0.016029672 136. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cla4 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 255 induced -0.1 0.098492812 -0.009849281 143. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cup5 deletion mutant (1) 262 induced 0.007 0.121075429 0.000847528 147. Rosetta 2000: Expression in dig1 deletion mutant (1) 266 repressed 0.239 0.095619399 -0.022853036 149. Rosetta 2000: Expression in dig1, dig2 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 268 bimodal 0.236 0.104318055 0.024619061 151. Rosetta 2000: Expression in dot4 deletion mutant (1) 270 repressed -0.176 0.100787901 0.017738671 159. Rosetta 2000: Expression in eft2 deletion mutant (1) 278 repressed 0.07 0.106567868 -0.007459751 160. Rosetta 2000: Expression in erd1 deletion mutant (1) 279 induced 0.086 0.10511109 0.009039554 163. Rosetta 2000: Expression in erg4 (haploid **7) deletion mutant (1) 282 bimodal -0.149 0.100351942 -0.014952439 169. Rosetta 2000: Expression in fks1 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 288 induced -0.036 0.115084018 -0.004143025 170. Rosetta 2000: Expression in fpr1 deletion mutant (1) 289 induced -0.239 0.100507375 -0.024021263 171. Rosetta 2000: Expression in fre6 deletion mutant (1) 290 repressed -0.472 0.100018204 0.047208592 173. Rosetta 2000: Expression in fus3 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 292 induced 0.282 0.129371266 0.036482697 176. Rosetta 2000: Expression in gas1 deletion mutant (1) 295 induced 0.189 0.100078417 0.018914821 180. Rosetta 2000: Expression in gpa2 deletion mutant (1) 299 induced -0.093 0.115136296 -0.010707676 183. Rosetta 2000: Expression in hda1 deletion mutant (1) 302 induced 0.442 0.118020444 0.052165036 186. Rosetta 2000: Expression in hir2 deletion mutant (1) 305 induced 0.013 0.103518017 0.001345734 188. Rosetta 2000: Expression in hmg1(haploid) deletion mutant (1) 307 repressed -0.03 0.104241972 0.003127259 195. Rosetta 2000: Expression in isw1 deletion mutant (1) 314 induced -0.13 0.112969567 -0.014686044 199. Rosetta 2000: Expression in kim4 deletion mutant (1) 318 induced 0.123 0.120466766 0.014817412 201. Rosetta 2000: Expression in kre1 deletion mutant (1) 320 induced -0.046 0.110043876 -0.005062018 202. Rosetta 2000: Expression in kss1 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 321 repressed 0.053 0.107569548 -0.005701186 207. Rosetta 2000: Expression in med2 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 326 repressed -0.09 0.116885736 0.010519716 212. Rosetta 2000: Expression in npr2 deletion mutant (1) 331 repressed 0.146 0.104243839 -0.0152196 214. Rosetta 2000: Expression in nta1 deletion mutant (1) 333 induced 0.073 0.099648058 0.007274308 220. Rosetta 2000: Expression in pep12 deletion mutant (1) 339 induced -0.206 0.107521938 -0.022149519 223. Rosetta 2000: Expression in pet127 deletion mutant (1) 342 induced -0.017 0.099912715 -0.001698516 229. Rosetta 2000: Expression in qcr2 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 348 induced -0.013 0.105362677 -0.001369715 231. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rad57 deletion mutant (1) 350 induced 0.003 0.108273898 0.000324822 237. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rip1 deletion mutant (1) 356 bimodal 0.04 0.115870519 0.004634821 240. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rnr1 (haploid **9) deletion mutant (1) 359 induced 0.249 0.12032627 0.029961241 241. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rpd3 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 360 induced -0.216 0.113684186 -0.024555784 250. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rps27b (**11) deletion mutant (1) 369 repressed 0.419 0.111993092 -0.046925105 252. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rtg1 deletion mutant (1) 371 induced -0.057 0.115009335 -0.006555532 253. Rosetta 2000: Expression in rts1 deletion mutant (1) 372 induced 0.007 0.109174757 0.000764223 259. Rosetta 2000: Expression in sbp1 deletion mutant (1) 378 induced 0.076 0.153057319 0.011632356 263. Rosetta 2000: Expression in she4 deletion mutant (1) 382 induced 0 0.11970267 0 266. Rosetta 2000: Expression in sir2 deletion mutant (1) 385 induced -0.704 0.10693708 -0.075283704 268. Rosetta 2000: Expression in sir4 deletion mutant (1) 387 repressed 0.721 0.122711445 -0.088474952 270. Rosetta 2000: Expression in spf1 deletion mutant (1) 389 induced 0.073 0.098473674 0.007188578 271. Rosetta 2000: Expression in ssn6 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 390 induced -6.644 0.133806945 -0.889013346 272. Rosetta 2000: Expression in sst2 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 391 induced -0.106 0.100277259 -0.010629389 280. Rosetta 2000: Expression in ste4 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 399 induced -0.233 0.095928865 -0.022351426 283. Rosetta 2000: Expression in swi4 deletion mutant (1) 402 induced 0.455 0.109587379 0.049862257 285. Rosetta 2000: Expression in swi6 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 404 induced -0.179 0.137977035 -0.024697889 286. Rosetta 2000: Expression in tec1 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 405 induced 0.036 0.105570855 0.003800551 289. Rosetta 2000: Expression in top3 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 408 repressed -0.033 0.103846154 0.003426923 290. Rosetta 2000: Expression in tup1 (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 409 induced 0.16 0.182017364 0.029122778 295. Rosetta 2000: Expression in vac8 deletion mutant (1) 414 induced 0.027 0.137470127 0.003711693 296. Rosetta 2000: Expression in vma8 deletion mutant (1) 415 induced -0.09 0.13811053 -0.012429948 298. Rosetta 2000: Expression in vps8 deletion mutant (1) 417 repressed -0.13 0.096775579 0.012580825 302. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yap1 deletion mutant (1) 421 bimodal -0.033 0.104051531 -0.003433701 314. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yel044w deletion mutant (1) 433 induced 0.415 0.118929705 0.049355828 324. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yer044c (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 443 induced 0.153 0.100137229 0.015320996 325. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yer050c deletion mutant (1) 444 induced 0.229 0.11404733 0.026116839 329. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yer083c deletion mutant (1) 448 induced 0.163 0.098575896 0.016067871 332. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with CMD1 under tet promoter(1) 451 induced 0.223 0.118844754 0.02650238 338. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yhr022c deletion mutant (1) 457 induced -0.053 0.135285194 -0.007170115 340. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yhr034c deletion mutant (1) 459 repressed 0.173 0.097249813 -0.016824218 342. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yil037c (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 461 induced -0.08 0.12862724 -0.010290179 344. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yjl107c (haploid) deletion mutant (1) 463 repressed -0.05 0.121525392 0.00607627 353. Rosetta 2000: Expression in ymr014w deletion mutant (1) 472 repressed 0.412 0.097908887 -0.040338462 373. Rosetta 2000: Expression in ymr293c deletion mutant (1) 492 induced 0.16 0.105415889 0.016866542 379. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yor051c (**14) deletion mutant (1) 498 repressed -0.233 0.098474608 0.022944584 382. Rosetta 2000: Expression in yor080w (**3) deletion mutant (1) 501 induced -0.06 0.141343353 -0.008480601 386. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with CDC42 under tet promoter(1) 505 induced -0.306 0.113637043 -0.034772935 387. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with ERG11 under tet promoter(1) 506 induced 0.462 0.100231049 0.046306745 388. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with FKS1 under tet promoter(1) 507 induced 0.027 0.112403846 0.003034904 389. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with HMG2 under tet promoter(1) 508 induced -0.05 0.124835698 -0.006241785 393. Rosetta 2000: Expression in cells with RHO1 under tet promoter(1) 512 induced 0.253 0.099501027 0.02517376 397. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to Cycloheximide white(1) 516 repressed 0.336 0.09811053 -0.032965138 398. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to Doxycycline(1) 517 induced -0.096 0.113651979 -0.01091059 401. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to HU(1) 520 induced -0.369 0.122930825 -0.045361475 402. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to Itraconazole(1) 521 induced 0.262 0.10685913 0.027997092 403. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to Lovastatin(1) 522 induced 0.12 0.108785941 0.013054313 406. Rosetta 2000: Expression in response to Terbinafine(1) 525 induced 0.233 0.123963312 0.028883452 Expression during the cell cycle in fkh1 fkh2 mutant (alpha factor arrest and release): 0,5,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,210(1) 527 induced -0.11 0.11664255 -0.012830681 Expression during the cell cycle in fkh1 fkh2 mutant (alpha factor arrest and release): 0,5,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,210(3) 529 repressed 0.07 0.099268111 -0.006948768 Expression during the cell cycle in fkh1 fkh2 mutant (alpha factor arrest and release): 0,5,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,210(4) 530 repressed 0.05 0.112325429 -0.005616271 Expression during the cell cycle in fkh1 fkh2 mutant (alpha factor arrest and release): 0,5,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,180(1) 540 induced -0.18 0.115678211 -0.020822078 Expression during the cell cycle in fkh1 fkh2 mutant (alpha factor arrest and release): 0,5,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,180(12) 551 repressed 0.26 0.100475168 -0.026123544 PHO81c vs WT exp2(1) 584 induced -0.644 0.11838919 -0.076242638 428. Expression in strain PM38 (wild type) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 585 induced -1.482 0.1192205 -0.176684782 429. Expression in strain YHE711 (wild type) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 586 induced -0.093 0.105813107 -0.009840619 430. Expression in strain PM38 (wild type), glucose versus ethanol: strain was shifted from medium containing dextrose as carbon source, ammonium sulfate as nirogen source, supplemented with leucine and uracil to same medium for 30 min, compared to a shift to a medium with synthetic ethanol instead of glucose for 30 min(1) 587 induced -1.232 0.129442214 -0.159472808 431. Expression in strain PM71 (gln3 deletion) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 588 induced -0.764 0.140311333 -0.107197858 433. Expression in strain PH2 (ure2 deletion) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 590 induced -0.809 0.102322629 -0.082779007 434. Expression in strain P40-1A (gln3 ure2 double deletion) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 591 induced -0.485 0.131412435 -0.063735031 439. Expression in strain Jk9-3da (wild type) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 596 induced -1.616 0.114572442 -0.185149066 441. Expression in wild type versus strain TS19-4c under steady state conditions in YPD(1) 598 induced -0.735 0.147865011 -0.108680783 442. Expression in strain PM38 (wild type) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 599 induced -1.366 0.133658981 -0.182578167 443. Expression in strain YHE710 (mks1 deletion) in response to 30 min 50 nM treatment with rapamycin in YPD(1) 600 induced -1.088 0.128184746 -0.139465004 449. Expression in response to 0.1% MMS for 60 min(1) 606 repressed 0 0.107509335 0 450. Expression in response to low MNNG (8 microgram/ml) for 60 min(1) 607 induced 0 0.099625653 0 451. Expression in response to BCNU (200 micromolar) for 60 min(1) 608 induced 0 0.099506161 0 454. Expression in response to tBuOOH (5mM) for 60 min(1) 611 induced 0 0.111181852 0 459. Expression of G2 arrested cells (alpha nocodazole) in response to 0.1% MMS for 60 min(1) 616 repressed 0 0.100123693 0 460. Expression of stationary phase cells in response to 0.1% MMS for 60 min(1) 617 repressed 0.949 0.127681105 -0.121169369 461. Expression of rpn4 deletion in response to 0.1% MMS for 60 min(1) 618 repressed 0.227 0.097820668 -0.022205292 469. Expression in hda1 deletion(1) 626 induced 0.325 0.166150112 0.053998786 470. Expression in hda1 deletion(1) 627 induced 0.214 0.113652913 0.024321723 472. Expression in sap3 deletion(1) 629 induced 0.081 0.102904686 0.00833528 474. Expression in hda1 deletion(1) 631 induced -0.249 0.10110717 -0.025175685 477. Expression in response to trichostatin A (TSA): 15min,30min,60min,120min(1) 634 induced 0.281 0.098328043 0.02763018 477. Expression in response to trichostatin A (TSA): 15min,30min,60min,120min(3) 636 induced -0.006 0.118957711 -0.000713746 477. Expression in response to trichostatin A (TSA): 15min,30min,60min,120min(4) 637 induced -0.321 0.134003921 -0.043015259 478. Expression in haploid cells in response to rapamycin (100nM) for: 0min,15min,30min,60min,120min(4) 641 induced -1.169 0.104680732 -0.122371776 478. Expression in haploid cells in response to rapamycin (100nM) for: 0min,15min,30min,60min,120min(5) 642 induced -1.338 0.124592046 -0.166704158 479. Expression in diploid cells in response to rapamycin (100nM) for: 15min,30min,90min,120min(2) 644 induced 0 0.114096341 0 480. Expression in haploid cells deprived to amino acids in response to rapamycin for: 15min,30min,60min,90min,120min(1) 647 induced -1.139 0.115806572 -0.131903686 482. Expression in response to acid: 10,20,40,60,80,100 min(1) 657 induced 0.049 0.111237864 0.005450655 482. Expression in response to acid: 10,20,40,60,80,100 min(2) 658 induced 0.129 0.113419063 0.014631059 482. Expression in response to acid: 10,20,40,60,80,100 min(4) 660 induced 0.035 0.096646285 0.00338262 483. Expression in response to alkali: 10,20,40,60,80,100 min(1) 663 induced -0.341 0.100160101 -0.034154594 485. Expression in response to peroxide: 10,20,40,60,120 min(1) 671 induced 0 0.10670323 0 485. Expression in response to peroxide: 10,20,40,60,120 min(2) 672 induced 0 0.108582898 0 485. Expression in response to peroxide: 10,20,40,60,120 min(3) 673 induced 0 0.117196135 0 485. Expression in response to peroxide: 10,20,40,60,120 min(4) 674 induced 0 0.119054798 0 485. Expression in response to peroxide: 10,20,40,60,120 min(5) 675 induced 0 0.101574869 0 487. Expression in response to sorbitol: 15 30 45 90 120 min(1) 681 induced -1.685 0.131596341 -0.221739834 487. Expression in response to sorbitol: 15 30 45 90 120 min(2) 682 induced -0.101 0.109112677 -0.01102038 487. Expression in response to sorbitol: 15 30 45 90 120 min(3) 683 induced 0.118 0.108839152 0.01284302 488. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 05 minutes hs-1(1) 686 induced -0.54 0.138091393 -0.074569352 489. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 10 minutes hs-1(1) 687 induced -1.16 0.117401979 -0.136186296 490. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 15 minutes hs-1(1) 688 induced -0.99 0.12759382 -0.126317882 491. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 20 minutes hs-1(1) 689 induced -0.57 0.132098581 -0.075296191 492. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 30 minutes hs-1(1) 690 induced -0.55 0.130413088 -0.071727198 493. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 40 minutes hs-1(1) 691 induced -0.39 0.104058999 -0.04058301 494. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 60 minutes hs-1(1) 692 induced 0 0.110828977 0 495. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 80 minutes hs-1(1) 693 induced -0.06 0.105902726 -0.006354164 496. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 000 minutes hs-2(1) 694 repressed 0.48 0.116767644 -0.056048469 497. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 000 minutes hs-2(1) 695 repressed 0.5 0.110808906 -0.055404453 498. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 000 minutes hs-2(1) 696 repressed 0.29 0.125431292 -0.036375075 500. Brown enviromental changes :Heat Shock 015 minutes hs-2(1) 698 induced -0.43 0.104027726 -0.044731922 506. Brown enviromental changes :37C to 25C shock - 60 min(1) 704 induced 0.18 0.103571229 0.018642821 508. Brown enviromental changes :heat shock 17 to 37, 20 minutes(1) 706 induced -0.94 0.11257795 -0.105823273 509. Brown enviromental changes :heat shock 21 to 37, 20 minutes(1) 707 induced -0.77 0.129722741 -0.09988651 510. Brown enviromental changes :heat shock 25 to 37, 20 minutes(1) 708 induced -0.82 0.132073842 -0.108300551 511. Brown enviromental changes :heat shock 29 to 37, 20 minutes(1) 709 induced -0.53 0.127339899 -0.067490147 512. Brown enviromental changes :heat shock 33 to 37, 20 minutes(1) 710 induced -0.59 0.137118652 -0.080900005 514. Brown enviromental changes :29C to 33C - 15 minutes(1) 712 induced -0.3 0.116332618 -0.034899785 515. Brown enviromental changes :29C to 33C - 30 minutes(1) 713 repressed 0.16 0.117039768 -0.018726363 517. Brown enviromental changes :29C +1M sorbitol to 33C + 1M sorbitol - 5 minutes(1) 715 induced -0.37 0.146680825 -0.054271905 518. Brown enviromental changes :29C +1M sorbitol to 33C + 1M sorbitol - 15 minutes(1) 716 induced 0.08 0.108472741 0.008677819 521. Brown enviromental changes :29C +1M sorbitol to 33C + *NO sorbitol - 15 minutes(1) 719 induced -0.21 0.103958645 -0.021831315 525. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (30 min) redo(1) 723 induced -0.49 0.117665235 -0.057655965 527. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (50 min) redo(1) 725 induced -0.14 0.127668969 -0.017873656 528. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (60 min) redo(1) 726 induced -0.54 0.128383588 -0.069327138 529. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (80 min) redo(1) 727 induced -0.23 0.121481049 -0.027940641 530. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (100 min) redo(1) 728 induced -0.32 0.174322722 -0.055783271 531. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (120 min) redo(1) 729 induced -0.36 0.144954724 -0.052183701 532. Brown enviromental changes :constant 0.32 mM H2O2 (160 min) redo(1) 730 induced -0.26 0.14221854 -0.03697682 535. Brown enviromental changes :1 mM Menadione (30 min) redo(1) 733 induced -0.02 0.113416262 -0.002268325 536. Brown enviromental changes :1mM Menadione (40 min) redo(1) 734 induced -0.14 0.112652633 -0.015771369 548. Brown enviromental changes :2.5mM DTT 120 min dtt-1(1) 746 induced -0.56 0.111417102 -0.062393577 551. Brown enviromental changes :dtt 015 min dtt-2(1) 749 repressed 0.26 0.110535381 -0.028739199 552. Brown enviromental changes :dtt 030 min dtt-2(1) 750 repressed -0.19 0.099457618 0.018896947 555. Brown enviromental changes :dtt 240 min dtt-2(1) 753 induced 0.01 0.128783607 0.001287836 557. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (5 min)(1) 755 induced -0.53 0.162424384 -0.086084923 558. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (10 min)(1) 756 induced -0.89 0.146228529 -0.130143391 559. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (20 min)(1) 757 induced -0.99 0.145311333 -0.14385822 560. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (30 min)(1) 758 induced -1.09 0.12853202 -0.140099902 561. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (40 min)(1) 759 induced -0.65 0.131989358 -0.085793083 562. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (50 min)(1) 760 induced -0.61 0.10570435 -0.064479654 563. Brown enviromental changes :1.5 mM diamide (60 min)(1) 761 induced -0.54 0.120356143 -0.064992317 565. Brown enviromental changes :1M sorbitol - 5 min(1) 763 induced -0.33 0.10979509 -0.03623238 568. Brown enviromental changes :1M sorbitol - 45 min (1) 766 induced -0.05 0.12320295 -0.006160147 569. Brown enviromental changes :1M sorbitol - 60 min(1) 767 induced 0.24 0.098359317 0.023606236 575. Brown enviromental changes :Hypo-osmotic shock - 45 min(1) 773 repressed 0.31 0.118302371 -0.036673735 576. Brown enviromental changes :Hypo-osmotic shock - 60 min(1) 774 repressed 0.13 0.098419063 -0.012794478 578. Brown enviromental changes :aa starv 0.5 h(1) 776 induced -0.45 0.102097647 -0.045943941 579. Brown enviromental changes :aa starv 1 h(1) 777 induced 0.05 0.102438854 0.005121943 581. Brown enviromental changes :aa starv 4 h(1) 779 induced 0.13 0.106432039 0.013836165 582. Brown enviromental changes :aa starv 6 h(1) 780 induced 0.23 0.11065534 0.025450728 584. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 1 h(1) 782 induced 0.03 0.104386202 0.003131586 585. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 2 h(1) 783 repressed 0.15 0.138188013 -0.020728202 586. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 4 h(1) 784 repressed 0.35 0.121300878 -0.042455307 587. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 8 h(1) 785 induced -0.15 0.101668223 -0.015250233 588. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 12 h(1) 786 induced -0.1 0.111408234 -0.011140823 590. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 2 d(1) 788 induced 0.19 0.107734317 0.02046952 591. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 3 d(1) 789 induced 0.32 0.100185773 0.032059447 592. Brown enviromental changes :Nitrogen Depletion 5 d(1) 790 induced 0.58 0.096349888 0.055882935 603. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 6 h ypd-2(1) 794 induced -0.42 0.123387323 -0.051822676 604. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 8 h ypd-2(1) 795 induced -0.74 0.152640497 -0.112953968 605. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 10 h ypd-2(1) 796 induced -0.72 0.170125093 -0.122490067 606. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 12 h ypd-2(1) 797 induced -0.37 0.143466673 -0.053082669 607. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 1 d ypd-2(1) 798 induced -0.03 0.137314694 -0.004119441 608. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 2 d ypd-2(1) 799 induced -0.2 0.129574309 -0.025914862 609. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 3 d ypd-2(1) 800 induced -0.21 0.146534727 -0.030772293 610. Brown enviromental changes :YPD 5 d ypd-2(1) 801 induced -1.63 0.138269231 -0.225378846 611. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 2 h ypd-1(1) 802 induced 0.06 0.097135456 0.005828127 612. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 4 h ypd-1(1) 803 induced -0.22 0.095434093 -0.0209955 613. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 8 h ypd-1(1) 804 induced -0.17 0.106918409 -0.01817613 614. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 12 h ypd-1(1) 805 induced -0.48 0.153310773 -0.073589171 615. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 1 d ypd-1(1) 806 induced -0.41 0.164294249 -0.067360642 616. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 2 d ypd-1(1) 807 induced -0.08 0.133518951 -0.010681516 617. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 3 d ypd-1(1) 808 induced 0 0.138510549 0 618. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 5 d ypd-1(1) 809 induced -0.66 0.148527819 -0.098028361 619. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 7 d ypd-1(1) 810 induced -0.7 0.153409261 -0.107386482 620. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 13 d ypd-1(1) 811 induced -0.86 0.151711632 -0.130472003 621. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 22 d ypd-1(1) 812 induced -0.77 0.149712472 -0.115278603 622. Brown enviromental changes :YPD stationary phase 28 d ypd-1(1) 813 induced -0.61 0.151334485 -0.092314036 623. Brown enviromental changes :DBY7286 37degree heat - 20 min(1) 814 induced -0.17 0.111589806 -0.018970267 626. Brown enviromental changes :DBYyap1- 37degree heat - 20 min (redo)(1) 817 induced -0.31 0.103915235 -0.032213723 627. Brown enviromental changes :DBYyap1 + 37degree heat (repeat)(1) 818 bimodal 0.06 0.105301531 0.006318092 628. Brown enviromental changes :DBY7286 + 0.3 mM H2O2 (20 min)(1) 819 induced -0.55 0.120814974 -0.066448236 631. Brown enviromental changes :DBYyap1- + 0.3 mM H2O2 (20 min)(1) 822 induced -0.69 0.097701643 -0.067414134 632. Brown enviromental changes :DBYyap1 + 0.32 mM H2O2 (20 min)(1) 823 induced -0.73 0.100863051 -0.073630027 633. Brown enviromental changes :MSN2 overexpression (repeat)(1) 824 induced -0.18 0.100302465 -0.018054444 634. Brown enviromental changes :MSN4 overexpression(1) 825 induced -0.31 0.096250934 -0.029837789 636. Brown enviromental changes :ethanol car-1(1) 827 induced 0.41 0.127998973 0.052479579 638. Brown enviromental changes :glucose car-1(1) 829 repressed 0.29 0.129613051 -0.037587785 639. Brown enviromental changes :mannose car-1(1) 830 repressed -0.17 0.110855583 0.018845449 642. Brown enviromental changes :YP ethanol vs reference pool car-2(1) 833 induced -0.55 0.134677931 -0.074072862 643. Brown enviromental changes :YP fructose vs reference pool car-2(1) 834 repressed -0.03 0.152029033 0.004560871 645. Brown enviromental changes :YP glucose vs reference pool car-2(1) 836 repressed 0.11 0.148410661 -0.016325173 646. Brown enviromental changes :YP mannose vs reference pool car-2(1) 837 repressed 0.23 0.114359597 -0.026302707 648. Brown enviromental changes :YP sucrose vs reference pool car-2(1) 839 repressed -0.45 0.129918783 0.058463452 650. Brown enviromental changes :21 deg growth ct-1(1) 841 repressed -0.03 0.100061613 0.003001848 651. Brown enviromental changes :25 deg growth ct-1(1) 842 repressed -0.16 0.09802978 0.015684765 654. Brown enviromental changes :steady state 15 dec C ct-2(1) 845 induced -0.2 0.105201643 -0.021040329 661. Brown enviromental changes :steady state 36 dec C ct-2(1) 852 induced 0.2 0.10667009 0.021334018 676. Expression in gcr1 mutant YPGL versus GCR1 YPGL(1) 864 induced 0.475 0.096282674 0.04573427 677. Expression in gcr1 mutant YPGL+glucose versus GCR1 YPGL+glucose(1) 865 induced 0.138 0.157973768 0.02180038 678. Expression in gcr1 mutant YPGL+glucose versus gcr1 mutant YPGL(1) 866 repressed 0.251 0.166765777 -0.04185821 679. Expression in GCR1 YPGL+glucose versus GCR1 YPGL(1) 867 repressed 1.043 0.170283327 -0.17760551 680. Expression in GCR1 YPD versus GCR1 YPGL(1) 868 bimodal 1.077 0.137159261 0.147720524 681. Expression in response to 0.4M NaCl for 10 min in wild type(1) 869 induced 0.848 0.096625747 0.081938633 682. Expression in response to 0.4M NaCl for 10 min in hog1 mutant(1) 870 induced 0 0.119674197 0 683. Expression in response to 0.4M NaCl for 20 min in wild type(1) 871 induced 0 0.096720034 0 ( trp- 2% Glucose-203697) wt vs fus3 (+Fus3T180A,Y182F) 891 repressed 0.01 0.100492438 -0.001004924 trp- 2% Glucose-Average wt vs fus3 (+Fus3T180A,Y182F) + 5mM aF, 30 min. 913 induced 0.03 0.109453883 0.003283617 Addition of 1M NaCl (10) 915 induced -1.1 0.103179145 -0.113497059 Addition of 1M NaCl (90) 917 induced -0.7 0.155638536 -0.108946975 Addition of .5M NaCl in gpd1gpd2 deletion mutant (60) 918 induced -2.049 0.126811053 -0.259835848 DES459 (mec1-) + 0.02% MMS - 15 min 927 repressed 0.03 0.09993792 -0.002998138 DES459 (mec1-) + 0.02% MMS - 45 min 929 repressed 0.17 0.11913835 -0.020253519 DES459 (mec1-) + 0.02% MMS - 60 min 930 repressed 0.13 0.145484503 -0.018912985 DES459 (mec1-) + 0.02% MMS - 90 min 931 repressed 0.04 0.134748413 -0.005389937 wt_plus_gamma_5_min 936 induced -0.36 0.146766243 -0.052835848 wt_plus_gamma_10_min 937 induced -0.16 0.140572722 -0.022491636 wt_plus_gamma_20_min 938 induced -0.51 0.106224795 -0.054174645 mec1_plus_gamma_5_min 948 induced -0.36 0.122724048 -0.044180657 mec1_plus_gamma_10_min 949 induced -0.35 0.120212379 -0.042074333 mec1_plus_gamma_20_min 950 repressed -0.39 0.107740385 0.04201875 mec1_plus_gamma_30_min 951 repressed 0.07 0.099377334 -0.006956413 mec1_plus_gamma_45_min 952 repressed -0.19 0.125349141 0.023816337 mec1_plus_gamma_60_min 953 repressed 0.16 0.114909447 -0.018385512 mec1_plus_gamma_90_min 954 repressed -0.4 0.112334298 0.044933719 DES459 (mec1) + heat 20 min 961 induced -0.26 0.103449869 -0.026896966 DES460 + 0.02% MMS - 5 min 966 induced -0.537 0.101352222 -0.054426143 gal3+gal 977 bimodal -0.12 0.164691934 -0.019763032 gal4+gal 978 induced -1.419 0.099532767 -0.141236996 gal7+gal 981 induced -0.269 0.155935866 -0.041946748 gal10+gal 982 induced -0.093 0.153876027 -0.014310471 gal2-gal 985 induced 0 0.123751867 0 gal3-gal 986 induced -0.571 0.132435586 -0.07562072 gal4-gal 987 induced -1.109 0.152629761 -0.169266405 gal5-gal 988 induced 0.365 0.109692401 0.040037726 gal6-gal 989 induced -0.11 0.10558019 -0.011613821 gal7-gal 990 repressed -0.246 0.131393297 0.032322751 gal10-gal 991 induced -0.08 0.174988331 -0.013999066 gal1gal10+gal 993 induced 0.066 0.162943895 0.010754297 gal2gal80-gal 994 repressed 1.315 0.111381161 -0.146466227 sfp1::GALSFP1 t=0 RAFF vs. BY4741 t=0 RAF (YT00293) 1000 repressed 0.39 0.105518577 -0.041152245 sfp1::GALSFP1 t=10min GAL vs. t=0 RAFF (YT00270) 1001 induced -0.48 0.1448455 -0.06952584 sfp1::GALSFP1 t=40min GAL vs. t=0 RAFF (YT00268) 1004 repressed 0.62 0.131284074 -0.081396126 sfp1::GALSFP1 t=60min GAL vs. t=0 RAFF (YT00267) 1006 repressed 0.08 0.140332338 -0.011226587 YAL038W 1010 induced -0.22397 0.114802091 -0.025712224 YBL020W 1013 induced -0.25768 0.139507562 -0.035948308 YBL040C 1014 induced -0.053175 0.118868559 -0.006320836 YBL084C 1015 induced -0.097986 0.103032114 -0.010095705 YBR088C 1018 induced 0.031181 0.123210418 0.003841824 YBR143C 1020 induced -0.22154 0.121341486 -0.026881993 YBR243C 1026 induced -0.068552 0.100474701 -0.006887742 YCR013C 1028 induced -0.060639 0.098897498 -0.005997045 YCR042C 1029 induced -0.009782 0.095606796 -0.000935226 YDL031W 1031 induced 0.012484 0.103216486 0.001288555 YDL047W 1032 induced -0.056435 0.120492905 -0.006800017 YDL055C 1033 induced -0.17521 0.13851755 -0.02426966 YDL132W 1037 induced -0.1003 0.117711912 -0.011806505 YDR047W 1039 induced 0.0145 0.119391804 0.001731181 YDR062W 1040 induced -0.14919 0.105113424 -0.015681872 YDR141C 1042 induced -0.13498 0.136097834 -0.018370486 YDR373W 1045 induced 0.026867 0.111809186 0.003003977 YDR489W 1047 induced -0.097509 0.10378034 -0.010119517 YER023W 1049 induced -0.1254 0.104193428 -0.013065856 YER172C 1050 induced -0.2468 0.099650392 -0.024593717 YFL005W 1051 induced -0.25724 0.125309466 -0.032234607 YFL024C 1052 induced -0.02889 0.138346247 -0.003996823 YGL116W 1055 induced -0.19912 0.11545323 -0.022989047 YGR048W 1057 induced -0.21029 0.100501774 -0.021134518 YGR172C 1061 induced -0.18449 0.096010082 -0.0177129 YGR175C 1062 induced 0.054289 0.102878081 0.005585148 YHR118C 1069 induced -0.077822 0.1114059 -0.00866983 YHR188C 1070 induced -0.13637 0.105629201 -0.014404654 YJL081C 1082 induced -0.13964 0.137675971 -0.019225073 YJL091C 1083 induced -0.095285 0.132415515 -0.012617212 YJL194W 1084 induced -0.12957 0.103239824 -0.013376784 YKR079C 1094 induced -0.063202 0.123976848 -0.007835585 YKR086W 1095 induced -0.1826 0.132793596 -0.024248111 YLR076C 1101 induced -0.061972 0.104424944 -0.006471423 YLR086W 1102 induced -0.13233 0.110536314 -0.01462727 YLR101C 1103 induced -0.10776 0.110410754 -0.011897863 YLR163C 1105 induced -0.12744 0.107863611 -0.013746139 YLR291C 1109 induced 0.033539 0.109773618 0.003681697 YLR359W 1112 induced -0.13302 0.102931292 -0.01369192 YLR378C 1113 induced -0.27548 0.107715179 -0.029673378 YLR440C 1115 induced -0.36048 0.1121854 -0.040440593 YLR459W 1117 induced -0.20573 0.127503734 -0.026231343 YML031W 1118 induced -0.12058 0.121770911 -0.014683136 YMR001C 1121 induced -0.062877 0.105813107 -0.006653211 YMR076C 1123 induced -0.14175 0.111465179 -0.015800189 YMR079W 1124 induced -0.29107 0.122604089 -0.035686372 YMR200W 1126 induced -0.055441 0.119990665 -0.006652402 YMR239C 1128 induced -0.13353 0.10514003 -0.014039348 YNL158W 1133 induced -0.18584 0.122256815 -0.022720206 YNL182C 1134 induced -0.0014003 0.112621826 -0.000157704 YNL272C 1136 induced -0.17044 0.112379574 -0.019153975 YNR035C 1138 induced -0.11059 0.135576923 -0.014993452 YNR043W 1139 induced -0.1806 0.100198376 -0.018095827 YNR053C 1140 induced 0.06491 0.105014937 0.00681652 YOR204W 1155 induced -0.25946 0.104020258 -0.026989096 YOR232W 1157 induced -0.093064 0.103997853 -0.009678456 YOR236W 1158 induced -0.10936 0.101142177 -0.011060908 YOR335C 1164 induced -0.021791 0.119391804 -0.002601667 YPL010W 1166 induced -0.201 0.113704724 -0.022854649 YPL063W 1167 induced -0.1002 0.12215646 -0.012240077 YPL076W 1168 induced -0.1523 0.104497293 -0.015914938 YPL231W 1173 induced -0.13651 0.120691281 -0.016475567 YPL243W 1174 induced -0.19782 0.116465646 -0.023039234 YPR105C 1176 induced -0.0322 0.112230676 -0.003613828 YPR169W 1178 induced -0.092891 0.112503267 -0.010450541 YPR178W 1179 induced -0.1894 0.117169996 -0.022191997 YPR180W 1180 induced -0.058555 0.113737397 -0.006659893 YBR029C 1182 induced -0.23807 0.135303398 -0.03221168 YFR037C 1190 induced -0.068216 0.130135362 -0.008877314 YGL073W 1191 induced -0.10366 0.114912248 -0.011911804 YGL122C 1192 induced -0.25696 0.143894698 -0.036975181 YGR198W 1196 induced -0.158 0.139297517 -0.022009008 YHR205W 1201 induced -0.058004 0.108496546 -0.006293234 YJL097W 1202 induced -0.14193 0.144020724 -0.020440861 YKL033W 1204 induced -0.17588 0.109772685 -0.01930682 YLR229C 1211 induced -0.28926 0.139518297 -0.040357063 YMR235C 1212 induced -0.17399 0.105927931 -0.018430401 YNL149C 1213 induced -0.042786 0.104445015 -0.004468784 YNL222W 1214 induced 0.048471 0.096770444 0.00469056 YNL258C 1216 induced -0.095162 0.105486837 -0.010038338 YOR077W 1220 induced -0.15109 0.121519324 -0.018360355 YPL075W 1221 induced -0.039526 0.113622106 -0.004491027 ADR1OE+ 1224 induced -0.054472 0.097439787 -0.00530774 GAT4OE+ 1232 bimodal 0.0348695 0.133395258 0.004651426 GZF3OE+ 1236 induced 0.170264 0.100586725 0.017126298 HAC1OE+ 1237 repressed -0.1738585 0.098615105 0.017145074 HAP4OE+ 1238 repressed -0.139566 0.108741598 0.01517663 MGA1OE+ 1245 induced 0.036438 0.12428258 0.004528609 MIG1OE+ 1246 induced -0.036065 0.095985344 -0.003461711 MOT3OE+ 1247 induced -0.013635 0.098476008 -0.00134272 PHO4OE+ 1250 induced -0.0298985 0.099989264 -0.002989529 RFX1OE+ 1253 induced -0.116786 0.107312827 -0.012532636 RME1OE+ 1255 repressed 0.31951 0.106214993 -0.033936752 ROX1OE+ 1256 induced -0.100135 0.116355489 -0.011651257 SKN7OE+ 1260 induced 0.017431 0.132376307 0.002307451 SOK2OE+ 1261 bimodal 0.0501155 0.121567401 0.006092411 SPS18OE+ 1262 induced -0.1049175 0.116284074 -0.012200234 SUT1OE+ 1267 repressed 0.1215285 0.146087099 -0.017753746 SWI4OE+ 1268 induced 0.0542535 0.126919343 0.006885819 TOS8OE+ 1269 induced 0.1296585 0.124756348 0.016175721 UPC2OE+ 1270 induced 0.0945155 0.127340833 0.012035682 XBP1OE+ 1271 induced -0.066435 0.117345967 -0.007795879 YHP1OE+ 1273 induced -0.0077405 0.114629854 -0.000887292 YOX1OE+ 1274 induced 0.079461 0.140863984 0.011193193 WT/cst6+ 1282 induced 0.048462 0.103076923 0.004995314 WT/sok2+ 1312 induced -0.011475 0.120185773 -0.001379132 WT/zap1+ 1328 repressed 0.1390665 0.098232823 -0.013660895