Sfp1 Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 150 256 315 0.863 5.6E-040 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 132 358 221 0.733 6.6E-028 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 3 76 388 110 0.782 2.2E-018 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 4 15 94 20 1.62 0.00000000000004 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 5 30 150 65 0.89 0.00000000000079 <0.001 ANNOT:22 Medium stress (40-60) 6 51 469 68 0.744 0.00000000005 <0.001 ANNOT:40 Response to oxidative stress 7 20 119 44 0.978 0.00000000015 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 8 12 106 24 1.088 0.00000007 <0.001 ANNOT:53 AA_starvation 9 5 17 11 1.928 0.000000098 0.001 ANNOT:119 Sfp1 related 10 15 117 36 0.903 0.00000012 0.001 ANNOT:32 Response to heat shock 11 33 440 46 0.699 0.00000018 0.001 ANNOT:66 Cellular response to glucose starvation 12 9 106 14 1.314 0.00000019 0.001 ANNOT:59 Nitrogen_depletion 13 11 106 22 1.084 0.00000026 0.001 ANNOT:58 Purine base metabolism 14 20 445 23 1.056 0.0000003 0.001 ANNOT:121 Rapamycin treatment 15 9 45 32 1.126 0.00000058 0.001 ANNOT:78 MMS (radiomimetic) 16 21 180 51 0.673 0.0000012 0.002 ANNOT:60 Nitrogen utilization 17 21 173 56 0.627 0.0000036 0.005 ANNOT:75 Response to ionizing radiation 18 21 173 56 0.627 0.0000036 0.005 ANNOT:76 Double strand break repair 19 25 173 75 0.553 0.0000049 0.01 ANNOT:74 Response to DNA damage 20 11 254 15 1.028 0.00001 0.016 ANNOT:73 Mutants 21 15 282 24 0.778 0.00002 0.03 ANNOT:36 H2O2 22 16 468 19 0.923 0.000026 0.04 ANNOT:38 DTT 23 70 445 137 0.327 0.000029 0.042 ANNOT:65 Carbohydrate metabolism Sfp1ai Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 6 6 11 3.475 0.000000000000079 <0.001 ANNOT:119 Sfp1 related 2 5 5 40 2.583 0.000000024 <0.001 ANNOT:67 Galactose metabolism 3 5 5 72 2.292 0.0000005 <0.001 ANNOT:118 Protein biosynthesis 4 4 25 5 2.241 0.00000057 <0.001 ANNOT:29 De-heat 5 5 5 137 1.975 0.000013 0.003 ANNOT:65 Carbohydrate metabolism Sfp1rr Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 90 146 315 0.807 3.2E-024 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 71 152 221 0.754 9.8E-020 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 3 16 40 65 1.208 0.0000000000079 <0.001 ANNOT:22 Medium stress (40-60) 4 31 108 110 0.745 0.0000000001 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 5 14 89 32 1.084 0.000000004 <0.001 ANNOT:78 MMS (radiomimetic) 6 21 89 75 0.814 0.0000000055 <0.001 ANNOT:74 Response to DNA damage 7 18 89 56 0.887 0.0000000072 <0.001 ANNOT:75 Response to ionizing radiation 8 18 89 56 0.887 0.0000000072 <0.001 ANNOT:76 Double strand break repair 9 10 97 20 1.125 0.00000041 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 10 14 95 44 0.826 0.0000011 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 11 4 14 22 1.459 0.00006 0.043 ANNOT:61 Diauxic_shift 12 10 135 24 0.813 0.000069 0.047 ANNOT:36 H2O2 13 4 14 23 1.436 0.000072 0.049 ANNOT:121 Rapamycin treatment