Stb3 Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 130 184 315 1.068 2.8E-047 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 136 340 221 0.822 4.8E-034 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 3 78 349 110 0.9 2E-023 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 4 16 121 20 1.602 0.00000000000006 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 5 22 111 44 1.106 0.00000000000028 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 6 44 328 65 0.828 0.00000000000033 <0.001 ANNOT:22 Medium stress (40-60) 7 22 424 23 1.5 0.00000000034 <0.001 ANNOT:121 Rapamycin treatment 8 38 314 68 0.628 0.000000014 <0.001 ANNOT:40 Response to oxidative stress 9 18 154 36 0.907 0.000000016 <0.001 ANNOT:32 Response to heat shock 10 19 119 51 0.827 0.000000026 <0.001 ANNOT:60 Nitrogen utilization 11 20 307 29 0.857 0.00000029 <0.001 ANNOT:122 Rapamycin related 12 17 202 32 0.809 0.00000084 0.002 ANNOT:78 MMS (radiomimetic) 13 12 140 24 0.941 0.0000017 0.003 ANNOT:53 AA_starvation 14 10 49 46 0.938 0.000004 0.007 ANNOT:66 Cellular response to glucose starvation 15 11 241 15 1.057 0.000006 0.008 ANNOT:73 Mutants 16 12 183 22 0.875 0.0000096 0.013 ANNOT:58 Purine base metabolism 17 16 310 24 0.8 0.000011 0.013 ANNOT:36 H2O2 18 6 81 11 1.27 0.00002 0.025 ANNOT:119 Sfp1 related 19 9 183 14 1.032 0.000023 0.028 ANNOT:59 Nitrogen_depletion 20 20 180 56 0.569 0.000028 0.031 ANNOT:75 Response to ionizing radiation 21 20 180 56 0.569 0.000028 0.031 ANNOT:76 Double strand break repair 22 10 40 72 0.81 0.000038 0.044 ANNOT:118 Protein biosynthesis Stb3ai Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 8 14 139 1.05 0.000028 0.007 ANNOT:27 No stress Stb3rr Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 129 177 315 1.116 1.9E-049 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 94 177 221 0.935 3.7E-033 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 3 60 208 110 0.914 1.8E-022 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 4 15 44 20 2.068 1.2E-019 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 5 29 169 44 1.169 1.6E-016 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 6 21 136 36 1.13 0.0000000000013 <0.001 ANNOT:32 Response to heat shock 7 14 88 24 1.339 0.000000000023 <0.001 ANNOT:53 AA_starvation 8 16 78 51 0.936 0.000000011 <0.001 ANNOT:60 Nitrogen utilization 9 19 132 46 0.843 0.000000021 <0.001 ANNOT:66 Cellular response to glucose starvation 10 11 88 22 1.181 0.000000035 <0.001 ANNOT:58 Purine base metabolism 11 10 119 15 1.302 0.000000071 <0.001 ANNOT:73 Mutants 12 8 73 14 1.378 0.00000018 <0.001 ANNOT:59 Nitrogen_depletion 13 6 107 6 2.175 0.00000031 <0.001 ANNOT:43 Response to alkali 14 23 177 57 0.671 0.00000038 <0.001 ANNOT:23 Long stress (>60) 15 12 131 23 1.013 0.00000043 <0.001 ANNOT:121 Rapamycin treatment 16 26 185 68 0.612 0.00000056 <0.001 ANNOT:40 Response to oxidative stress 17 13 73 52 0.817 0.0000026 0.004 ANNOT:54 Amino acid metabolism 18 6 119 7 1.644 0.0000038 0.005 ANNOT:35 Heat shock in mutants 19 12 131 29 0.828 0.0000096 0.012 ANNOT:122 Rapamycin related 20 10 198 15 1.036 0.0000098 0.013 ANNOT:46 Regulation of pH 21 29 132 137 0.434 0.000052 0.046 ANNOT:65 Carbohydrate metabolism