Ypr015c Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 13 152 20 1.158 0.000000023 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 2 95 254 315 0.337 0.0000003 0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 3 18 53 137 0.682 0.000003 0.01 ANNOT:65 Carbohydrate metabolism 4 39 230 110 0.448 0.0000037 0.01 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) Ypr015cai Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 10 28 20 1.825 0.00000000000071 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 2 8 35 40 1.06 0.0000058 <0.001 ANNOT:67 Galactose metabolism 3 2 2 7 3.062 0.000026 0.018 ANNOT:175 SWI/SNF complex 4 2 2 9 2.926 0.000044 0.028 ANNOT:166 SAGA complex Ypr015crr Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 9 33 56 0.989 0.0000054 0.002 ANNOT:75 Response to ionizing radiation 2 9 33 56 0.989 0.0000054 0.002 ANNOT:76 Double strand break repair 3 10 33 75 0.904 0.0000085 0.004 ANNOT:74 Response to DNA damage