Rph1 Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 83 139 315 0.759 7.2E-021 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 18 139 20 1.839 2.7E-016 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 3 35 100 110 0.897 4.1E-015 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 4 12 20 44 1.743 0.000000000000061 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 5 30 51 221 0.884 0.00000000001 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 6 12 75 36 0.975 0.00000029 0.001 ANNOT:32 Response to heat shock 7 26 321 46 0.611 0.0000039 0.005 ANNOT:66 Cellular response to glucose starvation 8 8 133 15 1.011 0.000039 0.038 ANNOT:73 Mutants Rph1ai Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 41 46 315 1.419 6.7E-021 <0.001 ANNOT:26 Response to stress 2 17 64 20 2.104 9.1E-021 <0.001 ANNOT:70 Stationary_phase 3 32 132 110 0.642 0.000000006 <0.001 ANNOT:21 Short stress (<40) 4 35 82 221 0.606 0.000000021 <0.001 ANNOT:25 Severe stress 5 6 21 14 1.789 0.000000026 <0.001 ANNOT:59 Nitrogen_depletion 6 18 132 44 0.833 0.000000062 <0.001 ANNOT:28 Heat shock 7 11 111 22 1.059 0.00000042 0.001 ANNOT:58 Purine base metabolism 8 6 21 24 1.447 0.000001 0.002 ANNOT:53 AA_starvation 9 6 12 51 1.427 0.0000024 0.002 ANNOT:60 Nitrogen utilization 10 6 12 57 1.372 0.0000046 0.006 ANNOT:23 Long stress (>60) 11 7 96 15 1.062 0.000043 0.032 ANNOT:73 Mutants 12 11 248 17 0.881 0.000051 0.038 ANNOT:6 Shmoo formation 13 5 12 52 1.273 0.00006 0.043 ANNOT:54 Amino acid metabolism Rph1rr Significant Attributes Rank N M X LOD P P-adj AttribID Attribute 1 20 57 139 0.701 0.00000056 <0.001 ANNOT:27 No stress 2 4 31 6 1.91 0.0000042 0.002 ANNOT:49 Hypoosmolarity