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Search for TF Binding Sites

We are aware that certain functionalities, such as various web tools, on the UniPROBE webpages are currently not working. UniPROBE is currently an unfunded, publicly available resource. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering to further develop UniPROBE in a dedicated capacity, such as a self-funded Masters or PhD thesis project.

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Run blastp Against Proteins in UniPROBE

We are aware that certain functionalities, such as various web tools, on the UniPROBE webpages are currently not working. UniPROBE is currently an unfunded, publicly available resource. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering to further develop UniPROBE in a dedicated capacity, such as a self-funded Masters or PhD thesis project.

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PBM Data from the following papers are included in UniPROBE: