Principal Investigator
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Pathology
Co-Chair, Harvard Biophysics Graduate Program
Email: mlbulyk [at] genetics [dot] med [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Room: 466D, Tel: (617) 525-4725
Brief professional biography
Luca Mariani
Instructor of Medicine
Sequence specificity of Pioneer Factors to nucleosomal DNA
Room: 466, Tel: (617) 525-4726
Postdoctoral Fellows
Kaia Mattioli
Postdoctoral fellow
Transcription factor misregulation in disease
Room: 466, Tel: (617) 525-4726
Shubham Khetan
Postdoctoral fellow
High-throughput analysis of protein-DNA interactions
Room: 468, Tel: (617) 525-4545
Graduate Students
Julian Segert
Graduate student, Harvard Biological & Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Ph.D. Program
Chromatin marks at transcriptional silencers
Room: 466, Tel: (617) 525-4726
Masters Students
Junxi Feng
Masters student in Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Guide RNA design principles for RNA-targeting CRISPR/Cas enzymes
Ananya Prasad
Masters student in Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Multiomic analysis of allelic series of TF missense variants
Lab Staff
Stephen Gisselbrecht
Research Specialist
cis-regulatory elements in Drosophila
Room: 468, Tel: (617) 525-4545
Brent Carroll
Technical research assistant
Human transcription factor isoforms
Room: 466, Tel: (617) 525-4726
Administrative and Operations Manager
Richard Fierro :
bulyk_admin [at] genetics [dot] med [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Room: 458B, Tel: (617) 525-4743
Recent Alumni (2020 - Current )
2024 Armand Ovanessians, Rotation student in Systems, Synthetic and Quantitative Biology (SSQB) PhD program, Harvard University.
2021-2024 Elisabeth Rothman, Technical research assistant; matriculated in the Bioengineering Ph.D. program at University of California Santa Barbara
2022-2024 Katrina Liu, Masters student in Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School; matriculated in the The Tri-Institutional (Tri-I) PhD Program in Computational Biology & Medicine (CBM) at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
2023-2024 Saul Castillo, HMS Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program (SHURP); currently an undergraduate student at Case Western Reserve University.
2023-2024 Justin Mucherino, Undergraduate student, Harvard College.
2022-2023 Mally Shan, Undergraduate student, Harvard College.
2023-2024 Raehoon Jeong, Postdoctoral Fellow; currently a Scientist at BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., San Rafael, CA
2017-2023 Raehoon Jeong, Graduate student, Harvard Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) Ph.D. Program
2023 Westley Wenbo Wu, Rotation student in Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program
2022-2023 Qiwen Octavia Huang, Masters student in Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; matriculated in the Oncology D. Phil. program at Oxford University
2021-2023 Anisa Prasad, Undergraduate thesis student, Harvard College; matriculated as a medical student at Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine in North Haven, CT
2021-2023 Jessica King, Technical research assistant; matriculated in the Biological Sciences Ph.D. program at Columbia University
2020-2022 Sebastian Somolinos, Postbaccalaureate student, Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (GSAS) Research Scholar Initiative (RSI); matriculated in Microbiology and Immunology PhD program at Stanford University
2014-2021 Kian Hong Kock, Graduate student, Harvard Biological & Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Ph.D. Program
2021 Karla Martinez Nevarez, Rotation student in Harvard Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Ph.D. Program
2021 Eric Yan, Undergraduate student, Harvard College
2021 Shraddha (Shay) Iyer, Undergraduate student, Smith College, Harvard SHURP program
2018-2021 Sabrina Phanor, Technical research assistant; matriculated in the Genetics and Development Ph.D. program at Columbia University
2021 Julie-Alexia Dias, Masters student in Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
2020 Violet Kimble, Undergraduate student, Drew University, Harvard SHURP program; matriculated in the Neuroscience Ph.D. Program at Yale University
2019-2020 Sara Nieto, Masters student in Medical Science, Boston University School of Medicine
2019-2020 Anna Dickson, Undergraduate student, Bowdoin College
Alumni (2018 - 2019)
Alumni (2015 - 2017)
Alumni (2012 - 2014)
Alumni (2008 - 2011)
Alumni (2001 - 2007)
Congratulations on graduating Dr. Raehoon Jeong!

Congratulations to Dr. Raehoon Jeong on his marvelous Ph.D. dissertation defense!

Congratulations to Dr. Kian Hong Kock on his extraordinary Ph.D. dissertation defense!

Congratulations to Dr. Colin "Beyoncé" Waters on his wonderful Ph.D. dissertation defense!
Congratulations to Alex on his fantastic Ph.D. dissertation defense!

Congratulations to Julia on her amazing Ph.D. dissertation defense!

Accidental Matching day in the Bulyk Lab!