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Use the top form to enter a single new clone into UniPROBE, or use the bottom form to enter multiple clones at once through a file.
Clone ID [REQUIRED]: e.g.: largest clone id currently: 12345
Clone name ONLY use this if you have separate PBM data for multiple clones from the same protein; otherwise, leave it blank. The clone name should start with the protein name followed by an underscore.
Clone Type: DNA Binding Domain Full Length Not Full Length None
Mutation: e.g.: S255G
Comments: e.g.: 106 aa deletion at the sequence start site as compared to the WormBase wildtype. This sequence may represent a functional isoform of the protein.
The file should contain each clone on a different line, with the fields in each line separated by tabs in the order specified in the top form: i.e., clone id, protein sequence, clone name, clone type (enter DBD, FL, NFL, or None), mutation, comments.
NOTE: While using an Excel spreadsheet is helpful in preparing such a file, we cannot guarantee the proper formatting will result from submitting such a file, so you should submit a text file with tab-separated values. But you can simply copy and paste your spreadsheet content directly into a text editor to achieve this. However, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR FILES END UP IN UNIX FORMAT.
You should use clone id 12346 for your first protein, and then order your subsequent clone ids to follow this consecutively.
You may space out your protein sequence on multiple lines, but if you do this, include no other whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc.), and enter the remaining fields (clone type, etc.) on the same line as the end of your protein sequence.
If you're leaving out certain optional fields (clone name, mutation, or comments), please use NULL for these fields.
ONLY enter a clone name (i.e., as anything but NULL) if you have separate PBM data for multiple clones from the same protein; otherwise, leave it blank. The clone name should start with the protein name followed by an underscore. This applies to all your clones, including one that represents the full length wild-type protein (in which case you can simply use the protein name without the following underscore), as long as you have more than one with PBM data.
Be careful to enter all your data correctly and properly formatted! This means the clone type must exactly match one of the options listed in these instructions, or your upload may fail. It will also fail if you give any clone ids that are already taken.
For example, a record in your file might look like this: