
This page hosts bulk downloads for all transcription factors in the UniPROBE database, organized by publication, and for the SQL tables holding PBM data or factor annotations. These files can be quite large, so please be prepared for significant download times. Please note that any files which contain PBM probe sequences are protected by an academic research use license, which will require confirmation prior to file download. Additionally, the various papers and datasets covered in this database have employed a variety of universal array designs created using various deBruijn sequences. Users interested in the 60-mer probe sequences should download the probe sequences associated with the particular datasets or papers of interest.

If you wish to download individual files for certain transcriptions factors, you can find them most easily using the browse page, which provides an interface for text-based searches. The site's public directory index also makes all database files easily accessible.

All Data

Every download in this section contains a file for each protein in the database.

Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores of the contiguous 8-mers as calculated for each protein.



The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.


Normalized Probe Data (60-mer signal intensities and sequences)

The median signal intensity values and corresponding nucleotide probe sequences.


Raw Probe Data

Text files containing the unprocessed output from the PBM array runs.


By Publication:


All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)



All Data

This download includes all experimental data and computational analyses from the compilation of PBM results that are available on UniPROBE.


All Ungapped 8-mer Data

The enrichment scores associated with each contiguous 8-mer for each factor.

Separate files for each factor: Download


The position weight matrices (PWMs) for each experiment. These matrices hold frequency values.

Separate files for each factor. Files ending in _RC.pwm contain the reverse complement of the forward PWM: Download

Motif Logos

The motif logos derived from the corresponding position weight matrices. Files ending in _RC.png show the logo for the reverse complement of the forward motif.


60-mer Probe Sequences

Holds separate text files for each Mtf2_C factor, where a given file contains the normalized signal intensities and nucleotide sequences of PBM probes (designed from our 'all 10-mer' de Bruijn sequences)


SQL Data: (Download)

Note: if you want to make use of the database SQL dump, you may need our functions to map k-mers uniquely to and from integers, which is the form in which they are stored in the database. This file will provide you with the algorithm in the form of two different language implementations. Here is a UML diagram illustrating the relationships between the various tables in the database.

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